Monday 31 March 2014

Loft Space.

Task: to design a loft space.

Concept Board. 

Floor Plan/ Materials.

Interior Drawings.

Pop-up shop design idea

Task: to create a Pop-up Shop design for anything we find interesting.

This project dates back to year 2010. I knew that I would like to do something for the coming up London Fashion Week. Flicking through lots of fashion magazine MIU MIU Spring Collection that year just stood out. It was based on prints that are innocent and can rediscover our inner child but still looking glamorous at the same time.

One of the Mood Boards.

After choosing what's going to be designed for, I started researching for interesting ideas on the Internet and Interior magazines:

Pages of my Sketchbook.

As a final design concept I choose to do a Fairy Tale Interior. This included creating brush painted dark wood with hints of pastel colours (same as used in the Spring Collection) as a background, a platform that runs through the centre section of the shop with lighting underneath covered with a thin layer of pages taken form old fairy tale books, theatrical looking, heavy material curtains for the dressing rooms and two large frames hanged in the windows on both sides of the shop entrance.

Concept/Material Board.

Floor plan:
The final floor plan was design for a space that is 10m x12m, but it could be easily adjusted to any other similar rectangle space.

Final Floor Plan.

Visuals. Interior/ Front view.

Balloon race!

Task: This was an introduction project to Designing for Performance course. The rules were pretty simple filling a space within a frame of 30x30cm cube that can be done by using any materials, which I think best describe my personality but sticking to the Balloon Race theme at the same time. As well as the material it could be any shape and size.

I started by doing a little research on the history of air-balloons:

Somehow, flicking through pictures of air- balloons I started to pay more attention to the purpose of air-balloons. It seemed that the most important thing was the idea of challenging the gravity and lifting up above the ground and even higher. This lead onto looking into similar things, such as, balloons and bubbles. 

The simplicity and delicacy of a bubble really caught my attention. I started looking at the patterns that the bubbles created when sticking to each other. I tried recreating that same effect through weaving a thin silver wire. 
Going back to the initial idea of showing my personality, I chose to fill "my balloon" with lots of shredded paper representing the knowledge I have gained thorough my life. And there it is my Balloon:

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Add some candy!

One of my free time projects. Right, don't really remember how this started but it was right after me and my friend decided to create some hand-made interior seating. As the inspiration came from looking at different candies I decided to showcase these creations in an interesting way. Here are some of the final poster ideas:


Designing my first magazine layout.

Task: to design an article for a magazine based on one of my design projects.

For this task I chose my ArtBus project. The chosen project is really close to me because it is based on having fun and creating art on the go. It is a old London bus that has been turned into a creative studio that hosts little get-away art tours for a small group of people looking to spend some time in nature and creating art.
For the magazine layout I chose to base my final design on the layouts of magazine "Varoom!". I tried out differed ways of playing with letters and words. We were ask to produce an interview by using a short description of the chosen project also adding bits and pieces of our professional background.

Produced drawings for the project:

Monday 17 March 2014


Task: to come up with a poster that reflects your understanding of design. 

Playing around with the word "Design" itself  as a keyword we came up with the idea to combine different interior elements and styles. A good design can mean different things to different people this is why we based the poster on unifying these contrasting ideas.